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Hinda and Her Sisterzz
Once Hinda begins painting the women in her family, her work evolves into giant colourful canvases, depicting heroic wonder-women taking on the Nazis.
Guests attending – Director, Michael Kissinger and Hinda Avery
About Cole Schwartzman, an anxiety-plagued tween, on the morning of his Bar Mitzvah.
The Chop
Yossi, a charismatic Kosher butcher loses his job, cannot find work at other Kosher butchers, and therefore decides to pretend to be Muslim in order to get work at a Halal butcher shop.
The Actress and the Landlord
A young actress is struggling to pay the rent, when a promising script lands in her lap.
Guests attending – Director, Shahar Ben Halevi and others
The Postman In Underwear
Two brothers help an eccentric postman who has just fallen in love for the first time by embarking on a fantastic journey.
Torah Stitch by Stitch
An agnostic Jewish woman, a Mormon fire chief, a Muslim immigrant from Turkey, a Mother Superior at a church in the English countryside. These are just a few of the hundreds of people who have lent their fingers to textile artist Temma Gentles’ ambitious project Torah: Stitch by Stitch.
Mr. Bernstein
After Debbie hears about her father’s life-changing musical experience in a refugee camp, she tracks down the famous conductor years later, with unexpected consequences.
Guest attending – Award Winning Director, Francine Zuckerman, and writer Deb Filler.
Ari Shiff and Carla Van Messel
Film Info
Year | Various |
Country | Various |
Director | Various |
Runtime | 93 min |
Language | English or English subtitles |
Genre | short |