Support the VJFC

Made possible by… moviegoers like you!

The Vancouver Jewish Film Festival is produced by the Vancouver Jewish Film Centre Society (VJFC), a not-for-profit charity registered in the Province of British Columbia.

The Centre depends on your generous support. It’s thanks to contributions and sponsorships that we are able to present the most entertaining selection of today’s documentaries, shorts and feature films depicting the stories reflecting our culture and heritage for the enrichment and enjoyment of all moviegoers in our community.

Sponsorship of the Vancouver Jewish Film Centre provides appealing, high-quality entertainment that gives individuals and organizations the opportunity to connect with a large and relevant target market. In addition, the Festival considers the following factors:

  • Record of Success: A decades-long track record of excellence and community support.
  • Growth: We’ve built a solid, loyal audience base with year-over-year increases in attendance.
  • Partnership and Sponsor Support: A proven history of strong Community and Corporate support.

We invite you to partner with the Vancouver Jewish Film Centre and grow with us!

Some of the benefits available to supporters of the VJFC:

  • Tax Receipts
  • Film Passes
  • Film Tickets
  • Advertising opportunities
  • Special invitations to receptions

There are various packages to suit everyone. For options on how you can participate, please download the Film Sponsorship Info Sheet [PDF], or give us a call to discuss sponsorship opportunities. You can reach our Executive Director, Robert Albanese, at (604) 266-0245, or by email at

The Film Centre issues tax receipts* annually after the close of each calendar year. Donations made to the Vancouver Jewish Film Centre through generate immediate tax receipts.